Hollow Body Hold

How to:
- Start lying on back with with arms extended overhead on floor and legs straight resting on mat.
- At the same time, and with control, lift arms, head, shoulder blades, and legs off the floor.
- Hold the elevated position.
Superman Arm Extension

How to:
- Start lying facedown on a mat, legs extended, arms tucked at sides.
- Lift legs and extend arms overhead simultaneously, engaging back, lats, glutes, and shoulders.
- Pause, then lower legs and bend arms to sides to return to starting position. That’s 1 rep.

How to:
- Start on all fours with shins and palms flat on mat.
- Step back to balance on balls of feet creating a straight line from heels through the top of head with gaze slightly in front of hands.
- Spread shoulder blades wide on back, tighten abs, quads, and glutes, and hold.
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Bird Dog

How to:
- Start on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Keep back flat, abs engaged, and a slight bend in elbows.
- Extend left arm out in front at shoulder height and right leg straight behind at hip height.
- Bend leg and arm and bring to midline under torso until elbow and knee touch. That’s 1 rep.
- Complete all reps then switch sides and repeat.
Reverse Crunch

How to:
- Start lying on back with arms by sides and feet lifted off the ground, legs extended, and toes pointed.
- Push down into arms and pull knees into chest until hips lift off mat.
- Slowly return to start. That’s 1 rep.
Russian Twist

How to:
- Start seated with upper body leaned back until abs are engaged, legs lifted and bent at 90-degrees, arms bent, hands clasped, and elbows wide.
- Rotate torso to right side so that right elbow is hovering off mat.
- Keeping lower body still throughout, rotate the upper body to the left side. That’s 1 rep.
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Air Squat

How to:
- Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at sides.
- Bend knees, sit hips back, and lower butt down until thighs are parallel with the floor. At the same time, bring arms forward and keep the torso upright.
- Rise back up to start, squeezing glutes at the top, and bringing arms to sides. That’s 1 rep.
Forward Lunge

How to:
- Start standing at the back of the mat with feet under hips.
- Take a large step forward with right leg, and lower down until thigh is parallel with the floor and both legs bend to 90 degrees. (Bring left hand forward and right arm back for counter balance.)
- Stand up and step right foot back to meet left.
- Repeat with left leg. That’s 1 rep.
Alternating Lateral Lunge

How to:
- Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart.
- Bend right knee and push hips back and lower until right knee is bent 90-degrees. The left leg should be extended.
- Drive through right heel to return back to start.
- Repeat on left side. That’s 1 rep.
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Curtsy Lunge

How to:
- Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides.
- Take a step back with left leg, crossing it behind right. Bend knees and lower hips until right thigh is nearly parallel to the floor.
- Return to start.
- Take a step back with right leg, crossing it behind left. Bend knees and lower hips until left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. That’s 1 rep.
Pro tip: Keep torso upright and hips and shoulders as square as possible.
Fire Hydrant

How to:
- Start on all fours with wrists stacked directly under shoulders and knees over hips.
- Draw belly button to spine and, keeping back flat, lift the right knee out to the side so it is in line with the right hip.
- Lower with control. That’s 1 rep.
- After 20 seconds, switch to the other side and repeat.
Speed Skater

How to:
- Start standing with feet hip-width apart.
- Jump to the right and, as you land, cross left leg behind you, landing on right leg with a bent knee, left toes gently touching ground.
- Quickly hop to left and repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.
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Glute Bridge

How to:
- Lie on back with feet flat against the floor and knees bent, arms at sides.
- Squeeze glutes and lift hips off the floor until body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders.
- Pause at the top, then lower back down to starting position. That’s 1 rep.
Jab Punches

How to:
- Start in a boxer’s stance with left leg forward and right leg back, knees bent, fists protecting face.
- Punch the left arm out and pull fist quickly back to face.
- Repeat with the right arm. Continue alternating quickly.
Inchworm Shoulder Tap

How to:
- Start standing with feet hip-width apart.
- Reach down to ground and crawl out into a plank position.
- Keeping hips square to ground, lift right hand to tap left shoulder.
- Return right hand to ground.
- Lift left hand to tap right shoulder.
- Return left hand to ground.
- Walk hands back to feet and return to standing. That’s 1 rep.
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Downward Dog Toe Tap

How to:
- Start in a high plank position with head to heels aligned and shoulders over wrists.
- Press torso back toward legs so heels lower to the ground, while reaching left arm to right toes. Maintain a long spine.
- Return to high plank.
- Repeat movement, bringing right arm to left toes.
- Return to high plank. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating.
Pushup To Plank Row

How to:
- Start in a modified plank position, knees on ground, wrists under shoulders. Maintain a long spine with knees to head aligned.
- Lower into a pushup so chest hovers just above the floor, and elbows are close to sides.
- Push up from ground to return to modified plank position, then drive right elbow toward sky, performing a row.
- Return right hand to ground.
- Repeat row with left arm.
- Return left hand to ground. That’s 1 rep.
Split Squat

How to:
- Start standing with hands at sides and feet staggered (left foot in front of body and right foot behind, right heel high).
- Bend knees and lower down until both legs form 90-degree angles and back knee softly taps floor.
- Pause and then push through both feet to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete all reps then switch sides and repeat.
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Triceps Dip

How to:
- Sit in a chair (or on a box/step) and grip the front edges with hands.
- Scoot butt forward until it’s hovering just off the seat and legs form a 90-degree angle and straighten arms.
- Lower body down until biceps are parallel to floor.
- Engage triceps to press back to start. That’s 1 rep.
Incline Pushup

How to:
- Start in an incline plank position with hands on a chair, bench, or step and feet on floor with head to heels aligned.
- Lower down, with elbows pointing 45-degrees away from body, until arms bend to 90-degrees.
- Press back up keeping body in a straight line. That’s 1 rep.
Andi Breitowich is a Chicago-based writer and graduate student at Northwestern Medill. She’s a mass consumer of social media and cares about women’s rights, holistic wellness, and non-stigmatizing reproductive care. As a former collegiate pole vaulter, she has a love for all things fitness and is currently obsessed with Peloton Tread workouts and hot yoga.