Your ‘Home Gym’ Needs An Exercise Bike Now

Shopping for an exercise bike (or, TBH, anything) can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a few key things to keep in mind while shopping for an at-home bike that’ll make you happy with your purchase, such as screens, resistance, and accessories.

Screens, WiFi, and Bluetooth:

If you’re starting your stationary bike journey with specific fitness goals in mind, it could be helpful to spring for something with a large, clear display that tracks all of the numbers you’re looking for, according to Katz. Look for numbers like power, mileage, and cadence. “That way, you can track those metrics and see how you’ve improved from class to class,” she says.

Other things to keep in mind with screen consideration are Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. Do you think you’ll be trying to watch Netflix, or maybe even work while you bike? A bike with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capability will make multitasking a breeze.


You may have noticed while perusing through this list that there are all kinds of resistance levels offered with at-home exercise bikes. A common form of resistance is magnetic, but some bikes offer air or friction resistance.

Magnetic resistance is typically the most quiet, and offers the most variety among levels. Friction resistance operates similarly to magnetic, but doesn’t offer as quiet of a machine. Air resistance machines are great for high intensity interval training. Plus, they typically have movable handles so you’ll get an arm workout, too.

Shoes and other accessories:

No matter how familiar you are with stationary bikes, you may want to consider investing in some extra accessories to enhance your ride.

“I definitely recommend a pair of cycling shoes,” Katz explains. She suggests this New Balance pair, which has enough hardware to clip into a bike’s pedals and the all-day comfort of a running shoe once you hop off.

Katz suggests also searching for a bike that can shift smoothly between plenty of different gears. This might be more important to you if you’re a road cyclist, she explains, because certain gear shifts can feel pretty similar to the ones on outdoor bicycles.

Other bikes offer add-on class choices, which can be great or meh depending on how much training you’re hoping to get out of them. If you’re a serious cyclist, some bike-offered courses may seem a little slow for your pace, but beginners will love them.